
Female panther chameleon

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $350.00.


  • Name………………………Maya
  • Age……………………..9 Months

The tongue moves like a catapult, much the same way a frog catches its food. The dome-shaped eyes are large. Their legs, which project to the side and to the back, are specially jointed so that all four, V-shaped feet can easily grasp a branch located under the body. The front feet each have two toes on the outside and three toes on the inside. On the hind feet there are three toes on the outside and two toes on the inside. The position of the toes assists in balancing. Their prehensile tails are curled when not in use.


Senses: The eyes extend out of their head and are covered with scaly skin and have only a small opening for seeing. Both eyes turn independently in order to look in different directions at the same time. Vision is more important than their sense of smell; visual cues use as their main defense.

Communication: Use gestures such as head bobbing, inflation of body and color changes.

Reproduction: Panther chameleons are usually isolated except for mating. After a gestation period of 30-45 days the female will descend to the ground and dig a burrow in which 14-34 eggs are laid. The female will not be involved in the hatching of her offspring and they will be independent at birth. Depending on the temperature, incubation ranges between 160-362 days.

Habitat/range: Panther chameleons are native to the northern and coastal areas of Madagascar where they live in trees and bushes, mostly in the coastal lowlands where it is warm and humid.



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